I've been a fan of TED talks for a few years now, I try to listen to the TED Radio Hour on NPR at least once a month. My first thought was to, you know, search through the "Technology" section of the site; after an internal debate of whether to watch something pertaining to school raged on for what seemed like a lifetime (but really equated to a few seconds), I decided to peruse TED's "Entertainment" talks. What I found there was great! I found a video that was just Reggie Watt beat-boxing for nine minutes . That was fun. So I decided to look through the related videos and found several other fun beat-boxing talks like this . Oh and this ! Invisible turntables ? Sign me up! Wait, what was I doing again? Oh, right, I have to find something to write about it. I'm not going to develop a report on beat-boxing; I've got to focus! I go back to the first page of the "Entertainment" subsection; while there, I finally find a talk that actual...