Why I'm at MATC

     It took a while for me to finally buckle down and decide to go back to school, and after weighing the many pros and cons of whether to try out UWM for a second time and further-increase my already weighty school debt, I decided on giving MATC a shot. When I first applied, I was really interested in the paralegal program, several of my friends graduated from the program and had nothing but great things to say about it, it's a well-paying line of work and I've always found the law quite intriguing. After one semester, though, I knew it wasn't for me. The thought of giving up in school after just one semester, however fleeting it was, definitely crossed my mind.
    I've been a huge tech geek and all-around nerd for most of my life, but the idea of actually going to school for it wasn't something that I even considered until recently. Though I'm only one month into the program, I'm very happy with my decision. Programming has always fascinated me and I the idea of being able to help design a well thought out website, slick website really excites me.
